BizTalk360 - Administration
We love your feedback and look forward to hearing from you. A great place to post your ideas and vote up others. Please share your stories to help us build a product that best fits your needs.
Please note this site is only to get future ideas and suggestions. If you have any technical challenges with the current version of BizTalk360 please use our support site
Version 11.2 is now released. Download and give it a try
You can provide any ideas/suggestions related to the Administration & Operations capabilities of BizTalk360 in this forum.
133 results found
Description and Application Segregation for User Access Policy Options
Currently, the documentation for the options available in the User Access Policy tab is scarce, meaning that for items that are not self explanatory, the BizTalk360 administrator has to enable that option and see exactly what it does. Additionally, the interface/documentation does not hint if the options are displaying all the data that is flowing via BizTalk or if access is restricted only to the applications the user is assigned to. The documentation associated with these options has to be updated to provide a more detailed explanation of what each option means and also if the option is displaying data…
1 vote -
1 vote
BizTalk360 work on mobiles
Would like BizTalk360 to work on mobiles, and the display should show up correctly. Allow performing actions on the portal via mobiles
11 votes -
Maintenance window Scheduling
Allow for a tickbox so you can setup maintenance on all environments at same time, rather than making multiple entries.
3 votes -
Unlimited extraction of tracked messages from biztalkdtadb
Sometimes I need to extract several thousand messages from tracking database (DTA). In BizTalk360 there is currently a limitation of 500 messages and 10mb file size (zip)
5 votes -
Paging for suspended messages is broken
Paging for suspended messages is broken.
Version 8.8.2116.2405
I have 68 suspended messages from friday afternoon.
When I go take a look at them only the 10 first messages are shown.
Arrows/Paging does not work.Changing 10/25/50/100 (filter) does not work.
When you click on suspended messages on dashboard you are sent to "Data Access/ Message Box (Queries)
The default setting for the SQL-expression is 10 making paging useless unless you go and change original expresson first.
Only after that will the paging work.
I think it would be best if paging-setting (default or in user profile) would be much…
2 votes -
Link to project documentation
In big company, when projects are deployed, the responsability moves from the development/architecture team to the operation team. It is important that the operation team, knows as much as possible about the new projects. Would be nice if in BizTalk360 you could link the new applications to existing project documentation.
2 votes -
More Control in FrondEnd Biztalk360 (Format) CSV Downloads
More control for the end user when downloading CSV Files.
this is because some people want to open the CSV in another way or within another applciation (Notepad, Notepad++, or.......)
3 votes -
Developer Licence
It would be good if BizTalk360 offered a free (or very-cheap) developer licence. Right now we have one development environment setup with BizTalk360 that we share across the developers in our team. This is not ideal.
What we would like is for each developer to have an BizTalk360 installed on their local machines. This would bring the advantages of:
- The DevOps team become familiar using the product early in delivery lifecycle. They are not expected to learn a different set of tools in upper test and production environments.
- For team looking to use a “BT360Deploy” configuration-as-code approach techniques,…10 votes -
Export/Import Binding settings from Biztalk server
How do we import\export application bindings with Biztalk360?
This is a core BizTalk functionality often used by BizTalk developers, thus is expected by your customers be integrated in your product as a default.
5 votes -
Restrict access to message content for Tech Support on Application (integration) level
We need to protect message content from Biztalk technical support (outsourced) in about 50 of 500 Biztalk applications.
Access will be necessery in 450 applications (integrations) for error handling, but for 50 the payload cannot be viewed due to export control regulations.
Now it's just possible to restrict access to all or nothing regarding message content,.4 votes -
BAM Module - 10,000 rows export to Excel
Export to Excel only exports a maximum of 1000 rows.
We need many more than 1000 rows.
Had this worked, we could have used Excel filters and widths instead.
Suggestion : Add 10,000 rows to drop down box.3 votes -
BT360 MSI overwrites user-modified service config files
During installation of new BT360 versions, I found that the MSI overwrites the service (and related) configuration files without warning. Can the MSI / installer be modified to prompt the user to either save the configuration files (services, logging, etc.) somewhere or at least inform the user that the files will be overwritten?
2 votes -
ESB resubmit enhancement
I have a big issue in the Dutch Bank about resubmitting messages from BizTalk 360. I have a http receive location that can be use to resubmit messages. It takes a long time to finally get it worked, but now anybody who knows the uri can submit an message in the message box this message can be a bank transaction to your own account :). So only BizTalk 360 may resubmit these messages to the uri. At this moment anybody with a wcf client can put a message in the messagebox because you can log in with anonymous. Is there…
2 votes -
Tracking, DTA, Archive, save files
I have two features that I´d like i n BizTalk360.
- Connect to other DTA databases (Archive for example)
- Be able to save multiple tracked messagebodies to file from DTA.By Daniel Wilén.
3 votes -
Dashboard styling
Is there any way to customize the CSS for the dashboard?
We have our primary health dashboard on a large screen, however the white background makes it difficult to see – we would be looking for a dark theme or high contrast option?By Garret
3 votes -
Mobile App. It would be great to see a Mobile version of BizTalk360. App or specially designed webGUI.
Mobile App. It would be great to see a Mobile version of BizTalk360. A specific App or a flexible webdesign that fits on all screens.
4 votes -
Ability to load archived tracking database
The customer archives and purges the tracking database daily.
At this moment, this means they have to use the BizTalk Administration Console to load these archived databases to view the older tracking.
It would be a great feature, if they were able to load these archived in BizTalk360.Idea shared by Eldert Grootenboer
2 votes -
SMS improvements
Improving on the process of sending BizTalk 360 SMS to US numbers.
By Ashwin
1 vote -
Having the Orchestration Debugger in BizTalk360
For analysis purposes I often use the Orchestration Debugger from the Administration Console. Unfortunately this is not available in BizTalk360, so I would like to have that functionality, so I'm not forced to connect to the Admin Console.
16 votes
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