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BizTalk360 - Administration

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Please note this site is only to get future ideas and suggestions. If you have any technical challenges with the current version of BizTalk360 please use our support site

Version 11.4 is now released. Download and give it a try

You can provide any ideas/suggestions related to the Administration & Operations capabilities of BizTalk360 in this forum.

46 results found

  1. autocorrect

    When we deploy a new version of a BizTalk application to our environment, we want it to be up and running as soon as the deployment process has completed. In the past, we have used an Azure DevOps task to put BizTalk360 in maintenance mode, and to end the maintenance at the end of the deployment. We do this by calling the BizTalk360 API

    We notice that the autocorrection does not always kick in immediately, so we would like to have a possibility to make an API call to for the autocorrection linked to a specified alarm to be executed.

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  2. Custom Columns in ESB Exception section

    Looking for a way to add custom columns for BizTalk360. We would like to add the account number to customize the columns.

    Bart Slaman

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  3. BHM Maintenance options

    Can we add BHM Maintenance Option which can be used to clean Orphan transactions and other maintenance task . This way we have BHM fully integrated into 360.

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  4. Historisation des modifications des articles de la KB

    Lorsqu'un utilisateur ajoute, modifie ou efface un article de la knowledge base, une trace est visible dans la gouvernance d'audit

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  5. Filter "known issues" in BHM

    BHM now alerts on the number of alerts. Since several "alerts" are known issues that we won't resolve, therefor we had to set the threshold higher, however this makes it more difficult to point to new errors that might have to be investigated.
    I would like to be able to filter out "known issues"

    2 votes
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  6. Data extraction

    Is there no way you can update 360 so that I will be able to extract or export to 1 excel at once (all the applications with their send, receive ports and all artifacts of the application)? I need to extract everything into one excel file of the applications themselves. Some sort of documentation apart from the monitoring reports.

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  7. Read and edit BTDF SSO

    We use SSO heavily for storing runtime configuration which currently can only be edited by SSO admins. Being able to make this available for the business or super users to edit would be useful

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  8. Copy data from custom widgets

    Allow the option to copy data directly from a custom widget.

    2 votes
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  9. Link to project documentation

    In big company, when projects are deployed, the responsability moves from the development/architecture team to the operation team. It is important that the operation team, knows as much as possible about the new projects. Would be nice if in BizTalk360 you could link the new applications to existing project documentation.

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  10. More Control in FrondEnd Biztalk360 (Format) CSV Downloads

    More control for the end user when downloading CSV Files.

    this is because some people want to open the CSV in another way or within another applciation (Notepad, Notepad++, or.......)

    3 votes
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  11. Export/Import Binding settings from Biztalk server

    How do we import\export application bindings with Biztalk360?

    This is a core BizTalk functionality often used by BizTalk developers, thus is expected by your customers be integrated in your product as a default.

    5 votes
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  12. Restrict access to message content for Tech Support on Application (integration) level

    We need to protect message content from Biztalk technical support (outsourced) in about 50 of 500 Biztalk applications.
    Access will be necessery in 450 applications (integrations) for error handling, but for 50 the payload cannot be viewed due to export control regulations.
    Now it's just possible to restrict access to all or nothing regarding message content,.

    4 votes
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  13. Tracking, DTA, Archive, save files


    I have two features that I´d like i n BizTalk360.
    - Connect to other DTA databases (Archive for example)
    - Be able to save multiple tracked messagebodies to file from DTA.

    By Daniel Wilén.

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  14. Dashboard styling

    Is there any way to customize the CSS for the dashboard?
    We have our primary health dashboard on a large screen, however the white background makes it difficult to see – we would be looking for a dark theme or high contrast option?

    By Garret

    3 votes
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  15. Mobile App. It would be great to see a Mobile version of BizTalk360. App or specially designed webGUI.

    Mobile App. It would be great to see a Mobile version of BizTalk360. A specific App or a flexible webdesign that fits on all screens.

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  16. Ability to load archived tracking database

    The customer archives and purges the tracking database daily.
    At this moment, this means they have to use the BizTalk Administration Console to load these archived databases to view the older tracking.
    It would be a great feature, if they were able to load these archived in BizTalk360.

    Idea shared by Eldert Grootenboer

    2 votes
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  17. Having the Orchestration Debugger in BizTalk360

    For analysis purposes I often use the Orchestration Debugger from the Administration Console. Unfortunately this is not available in BizTalk360, so I would like to have that functionality, so I'm not forced to connect to the Admin Console.

    16 votes
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  18. Paging on Applications is a good and bad idea

    Paging is good and bad. Good for server load, keeping the list short and manageable - but Export to Excel seems more broken with this feature

    I do export the list to Excel and print it out and hang it on my whiteboard
    With a proper description on each application it is very easy to see what each application does.

    Please add the option to save entire list of application to excel rather than the paginated list.

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  19. Purge attachment folder under BizTalk360

    right now there is no feature for automated purging of attachment file location. Please create one and allow users to decide about related policy.

    1 vote
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  20. The ability to save error information along the suspended message

    The ability to save error information along the suspended message.

    2 votes
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