BizTalk360 - Monitoring
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Please note this site is only to get future ideas and suggestions. If you have any technical challenges with the current version of BizTalk360 please use our support site
You can provide any ideas/suggestions related to improving BizTalk360 monitoring capabilities in this forum.
102 results found
Details about alarm settings
it could be very useful to we could produce a report of all alarm detail settings
By Simon Laverdière
1 voteHi ,
An option to export all the alarms along with its mapping is introduced in v10.9 .
Please upgrade to latest version v10.9.
Release notes -
Support SQL cluster monitoring
When SQL 1 server went down and SQL 2 (clustering) starts running BizTalk Server starts capturing and running. But BizTalk360 still pointing to that SQL1 sever and keep pooping the message "Disks: Configured Disk . No longer exist in the Server XXXXXXX." we expect BizTalk360 should support SQL Cluster Monitoring.
By Duane
16 votesThis feature is available in the latest version of BizTalk360
Terminate the service instances older than XX hours through Automatic Actions in BizTalk360
We have a need for functionality regarding the filtering by time range in Data Monitoring.
We have a case where we are moving data from customer’s ERP to their CRM daily using BizTalk.
And sometimes those transfers fail.
If the transfer is older than 24h it already obsolete and we would like to get rid of that kind of BizTalk instances using the Data Monitoring.
As far as I know there is no way to setup it a way where it would terminate the instance if the creation date is older than 24h from current time?
The closest we have…2 votesThis feature request has been incorporated in the latest version of BizTalk360 v10.1. To know more read the release notes (
Monitoring alert content improvements
We have done a DR test on our biztalk environment and we received the alert stating “Monitor Error” . When The server XXXX was down during this alert, I expect the alert to say something more alarming like “SERVER DOWN” instead of “Monitor Error”.
2 votesMonitoring alert important when the server is down in the latest of BizTalk360 v10.4
Data monitoring could not ended at midnight
It is not possible to end a data process monitoring at 12h00am (midnight). Let say we want to monitor 7h00pm until 12h00am, the web interface got an error: "The end time should be atleast 15 mins later than the start time.". We have to set 23h45 or 00:15. So it is impossible to get a result at 12h00am.
If we set 23h45, we don't have the last 15 minutes of the day included in the monitoring. If we set 00h15, the first 15 minutes of the new day is part of the new day, not the last day.
So our…4 votesHi,
BizTalk360 now supports business hours to span across the day for monitoring. Say you can monitor from 7 PM to 12 AM.
BizTalk360 Team
We would like to see auto correction action to be coorelated to the monitoring interval
We would like to see auto correction action to be corelated to the monitoring interval
6 votesThe Autocorrect function can be customized to operate exclusively during business hours by setting a monitoring schedule.This means the Autocorrect will work based on monitoring scheduled time , you can set this in alarm configuration.
Find Applications with NO alarm
Find Applications with NO alarm.
How can you verify alarms being set on all applications?
As is there is no way to do this. I want a feature that I can see Applications not mapped to a specific alarm. As you do have the list of all applications and you do have the list of all alarms - it is not very hard to implement this feature4 votesUnmapped Application Artifacts will get listed under the application section in manage mapping.
Show all receive locations, all send ports or all orchestrations for application monitoring in one overview
In application monitoring I'd like to have the option to show all receive locations, all send ports or all orchestrations in one overview.
This would make it much faster and easier to add all items in your monitoring.
And this would also make it much easier to add new items in your existing monitoring or to do a weekly or monthly check whether all new items are added in your application.
Now we have to click and reclick thousands of items if we want to check we have all items in our application monitoring. Especially when you have a lot…7 votesHi ,
The consolidated view of all the artifacts which are not mapped for monitoring is now shown under Unmapped Application Artifacts.
BizTalk360 Team
Alert if message are active for over a day
Messages are in Active status over days. Which is wasting resources. BizTalk 360 should be able to monitor and alert, if a message has been in Active in Running Service Instance for over 3 hours
5 votes -
Multiple selection in the Data Monitoring screen
In the Data Monitoring definition, when we have to select a receive port or a send port to monitor, it could be good to have the ability to open a "search" popup, select multiple receive ports/send ports and then add them to the data monitoring configuration.
Instead of having just a auto-completion combobox where it is not possible to filter.2 votesHi ,
BizTalk360 UI is revamped in v10 in which we improved all the controls for a better user experience. Multiple selections in data monitoring are also improved in the latest version.
BizTalk360 Team
Bulk update for the max number of attempts for autocorrection
It could be great to have the ability to change the max number of attempts for autocorrection in a bulk way.
3 votesHi ,
In latest version an option is introduced to set AutoCorrect attempts in a centralized location. The value updated here will reflect for all the artifacts.
Upgrade to latest version v10.9
Release notes -
Greater max number of attempts for the Autocorrection
Today the max number of attempts for AutoCorrection is 10.
It could be good to have the ability to have a greater value than 10.3 votesWith Auto Correct reset capability we can extend the number of attempts in the Auto Correct feature
Automation of disabling or stopping send ports and receive locations for scheduled outages, certain days of the week and hours.
Automation of disabling or stopping send ports and receive locations for scheduled outages, certain days of the week and hours.
22 votesThis use case can be achieved with the BizTalk360 Automated Task feature which has been released in v10.3.
To know more read the release notes.
BizTalk Applications - Summary view of monitoring configuration
Currently when you are going to applications monitoring screen you have list of applications deployed, you then select one and then configure monitoring for receive locations, send ports and orchestrations.
It will be useful if you can a status a particular application is already monitored as part of xyz alarm. This will avoid people duplicating the efforts and also good overview of whether the applications (especially new ones) are monitored or not.
3 votesHi ,
The application artifacts which are not mapped to any of the alarms for monitoring will get listed under unmapped artifacts.
Thanks ,
BizTalk360 Team
Additional filters in the ESB Exceptions screen.
When we need to filter in the ESB Exceptions screen we would like to use some additional fields, which are available in the screen.
Field we would like to have are;Scope
Service name2 votesHi ,
The filters Scope and Service Name are now added in ESB Sections .
Thanks ,
BizTalk360 Team
Improve the Alert History capabilities
From time to time I find myself wandering through the Alert History. At that times I often miss the capability to:
- Being able to see all records in the Alert History
- Have filtering capabilities like we know from Message Box queries and Graphical Flow
- Being able to show the actual mail which is being sent (I noticed this is in the database)3 votes -
Event Log monitoring - improve configuration UI
The drop down box for selecting event sources is too small. When you wanted to do multiple selections it's not very obvious you need to hold the Ctrl key, and when you wanted to select something from top of the list and some from the bottom of the list it makes it extremely harder to configure.
You can instead have some kind of add/remove items between two list and make the drop down box slightly bigger so it's easy to scroll.
3 votesHi , The Event Log Configuration UI is revamped in BizTalk360 version 10 .
BizTalk360 Team
Display warning in UI, when environment configured for maintenance
In BizTalk360 you can configure the environment for maintenance mode via settings "Stop monitoring for maintenance". This is especially useful if you are going some temporary work like deployment. The current challenge is there is no user interface representation showing the environment is under maintenance.
It will be useful if we have a warning size displayed in the UI saying "Environment under maintenance, will be active at 12:00pm"
4 votesThis feature has come as part of version 8.8 release. Sing up to our newsletter to be notified of upcoming releases.
Monitoring throttling conditions
Currently you can visualize the health of your BizTalk environment throttling conditions using the "Throttling Analyser" feature, it will be good if we can have a mechanism to get notified if any particular throttling state remain active for a particular period.
7 votesThis feature has come as part of the version 8.5 release. Sing up to our newsletter to be notified of upcoming releases.
Include event log message in notification email
When a notification email is send for any event log violation like event id, event text etc currently it only shows a generic description saying event log alert triggered. It will be useful if you can include the actual text of the event, this will avoid user logging on into the BizTalk360 portal to see the actual message.
8 votesDear Customer,
This feature has been implemented as part of our releases. Please upgrade to our latest v8.7 and do get back to us at should you face any issues.
BizTalk360 Support
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