Alert & Email enhancements (real-time, custom fields & template customization)
I have 5 feature enhancements which are requirements from a lot of customers:
1. Ability to send an alert(email) per error. 1 alert for 1 error.
2. Ability to add message context or content to the alert email, for example “order number”.
3. Trigger the alert directly when the error occurs, (near)real-time alerting
4. Ability to choose any color in the custom email template.
5. Ability to add a company logo in the custom email template.

Emiel Kool commented
Hi Saravana,
thanks for the quick reply! See my comments below.
#4 & #5: Will look into that, thanks for the tip.
#3: I mean Data Monitoring here. ESB Data alarm to be specific. When an error occurs in the processing, we generate a default ESB Exception fault and publish this to the Message Box. Then the fault gets registered in the EsbExceptionDb via the standard functionality. This way we don’t have any suspended instances, and we can resubmit the message from BizTalk360 If needed. Some of the errors are functional, and we want to inform the user (email group) directly, so he or she knows what he or she is confirming in system A does not get delivered in system B. How would you solve this problem then?
#1: See my comment on #3. It will be a low volume of messages which are triggered by the user. And so it will not clutter the users email, but will add efficiency to the daily tasks.
#2: And what about ESB Data monitoring? I have all the content and context for all the possible faults there.
Saravana Kumar commented
Hi Emiel,
Few comments
#4, #5 are already in place, we introduced a sophisticated email template formating options in our last release (8.5) you can write your own XSLT and pretty much do whatever you want.
#3: The alerts are pretty real time, you shouldn't wait for more than few minutes. Only data monitoring and regular time-based health alerts will get the trigger on regular intervals.
#1: We are bit concerned it might introduce a lot of noise, one of the main factors for us is to keep the number of alerts to an absolute minimum. We have seen in general purpose monitoring tools you keep getting too many alerts and finally no one really looking into the alerts.
#2: If you are using Message Box data monitoring, there is an option to attach context and content of the messages to the email alert.