BizTalk360 - Monitoring
We love your feedback and look forward to hearing from you. A great place to post your ideas and vote up others. Please share your stories to help us build a product that best fits your needs.
Please note this site is only to get future ideas and suggestions. If you have any technical challenges with the current version of BizTalk360 please use our support site
You can provide any ideas/suggestions related to improving BizTalk360 monitoring capabilities in this forum.
43 results found
Make the ‘time out value’ as configurable parameter in End Pont Monitoring
Could you please make the ‘time out value’ as configurable parameter, so that we can set different ‘time out value’ to different end points.
1 vote -
Filter, search for File/FTP counter site
We have now this nice "Alarms - File Location" page. If you have a lot of File ports it is difficult to select the correct one, would be nice to have query option base on application or file port name
1 vote -
Web Endpoint - need more details when a endpoint failed
In the WebEndpoint monitoring feature, I tried to call a web service by using a Payload and several headers. Unfortunately I missed something in the header (SoapAction) and it failed.
I was not able to have the details of the error without going to the log file in the server itself. This is not very convenient.
It should be better to have a trace of the issue in the web portal it self (or to be able to read log files from the web site).1 vote -
Custom Notification Channels - Load from GAC
Allow the custom notification channel assembly to load from the GAC, possibly with a checkbox and this could be another option to loading from the database. Updating an existing custom channel does not work properly and this could help to solve the issue. It would be MUCH easier to install (or re-install) a custom DLL to the GAC and restart the service as needed.
1 vote -
Add XML Support for Export/Import (Alarms)
The settings exports such as Alarms allow only JSON as an export format. Although the format is convenient for web sites and browser applications, it is not as convenient to read and query in text editors. PowerShell querying (Convert-FromJson) seems to be useful to read the exported JSON data, but I request that you add XML support for import/export of settings. Being able to query the settings is important when any bulk changes to alarms are required or when migrating alarms between environments.
2 votes -
BAM alarm notification condition should have lt, gt and eq
In the BAM alarm notification condition you can only choose greater than > or equal =. we also need to have less than <.
1 vote -
Request to add more details regarding MDN and 997 in alert emails for EDI data monitoring
The following details must be included in the alert email generated for EDI data monitoring:
The Alert for 997 should contain the following information for the transaction we are expecting 997.
Partner Name
Transaction name
Unique number of the outbound transaction i.e shipment number/invoice number. It can be added with Interchange, group control and edi qualifiers for the better visibility.MDN –
The Alert for MDN should contain the following Info for the message it is expecting a MDN.
AS2 Partner Name
AS2 Message Id
Date/Time It sent
the AS2 From and AS2 to party information-- Also an…
2 votes -
Process Monitoring - Allow the addition of more than one receive/send combination
As per title.
Allow multiple receive/send monitors to be grouped into a single monitor. Could use AND/OR operators to tune the monitor.
2 votes -
Redesign monitoring dashboard
The monitoring dashboard does not scale properly. When you use threshold monitoring in collapsed view, only the top part of the dashboard scales.
The bottom part, which lists the applications you want to monitor, does not scale, resulting in scroll bars and applications which are not visible in the dashboard because they won't fit on screen..
4 votes -
Redesign monitoring dashboard
At this moment the monitoring dashboard, especially when displayed on a wallboard, contains a lot of excess white space. If you, for example, only want to display threshold monitoring in collapsed view, you see one sole small representation of the top level, followed by a lot of white space. And only then you get to see the applications you are monitoring.
2 votes -
Add "Data Monitor dashboard" to a custom dashboard
It should be possible to add "Data Monitor dashboard" to a custom dashboard. It should show the same GUI as you see when you access data monitoring dashboard except you should only see
the alarms for the applications you has access to. then configure that page to only show alarms of interest.1 vote -
1 vote
Data monitoring dashboard need to be listed according to monitor names
Currently Data Monitoring dashboard monitors are listed as per processed time. Where the data monitoring dashboard needs to be listed according to the monitor names.
By Mike Walsh
1 vote -
Auto-correct email improvements
Autocorrect feature works correctly but the auto correction email message displays “Critical” status in the summary. The summary message should display the final correction status along with prior status.
Also, the auto correction fix message displays under the “Issues of application name”. There should be new paragraph saying “Issues fixed:”
By Nitin C.Narkar
1 vote -
Filtering capabilities in Alert History
From time to time I find myself wandering through the Alert History. At that times I often miss the capability to:
Being able to see all records in the Alert History.
Have filtering capabilities like we know from Message Box queries and Graphical Flow.
Being able to show the actual mail which is being sent (I noticed this is in the database).By Lex
1 vote -
Data Monitoring Suggestion
I am configuring some Data Monitoring Alerts in BizTalk360 and have run into a snag. In my Test environment, we have crafted an ESB Exception for our Gibsons.FIN.Transactions BizTalk Application and have a Fault Category of ProcessCOACacheMisses. However when I am configuring this Data Monitoring alert in Production, I don’t have this Fault Category yet as it is a new application. I would imagine you are performing a DISTINCT SQL Query on the field and populating the dropdown with these values. It would be nice to override and provide my own text as now I have to wait for that…
1 vote -
Alerting per Suspended Instance
The requirement is that the customer wants to receive an alert each time a message or instance got suspended. So this is a bit like an event driven approach.
Say you have an alert for Suspended Instances with a Warning threshold of (more than) 0 and an Error threshold of (more than) 5. This would result in getting a notification when:
a. nothing is suspended yet and
b. a Message or Instance got suspended
This is because the Warning threshold is set to (more than) 0. As far as I am aware of, the next notification you would get…3 votes -
Monitoring dashboard improvements on green /red lights
The test was to stop IIS. Simulation of web server crash, malfunction or network error. We performed an IIS Stop service only. No stop of biztalk360 service.
The results: The client browsers keep having the service status green flashing light at top right corner of the Dashboard monitoring portal. And the monitoring icon on the top left turned red saying that the service monitoring service is stopped (which is wrong).
So, on the upper left (blue left panel with the menu), that a red light appeared beside the icons monitoring and analytics. The red light beside monitoring is saying that…
2 votes -
Data monitoring with arbitrary interval
I've been informed by BizTalk 360 support that BizTalk 360 currently does not support data monitoring with arbitrary interval, say 7.5 days(180 hours). It would be nice to have this enhancement.
2 votes -
Preview Facility for Data Monitoring Filters
While mapping a MessageBox data monitoring to an Alarm, SQLDataFilter section does not have a Preview query option. Having a preview option is good in terms of being definitive about functionality of the monitoring. It does depend on availability of the correct data in message box. But considering the fact that these kind of alarms are set reactively than proactively, it will be nice to have Preview option.
1 vote
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