KB Article for multiple environments
It would be nice if we can able to add KB Article for multiple environments.
By Martin Bergeron

Ok, since you cannot set the environment, you cannot choose other properties. The main reason is some of them are environment specific. The solution to this problem will be to provide the ability to copy the KB to multiple environments. We need to see how we can keep the content central, so you don't need to update multiple times if a change is required.
Martin Bergeron commented
Hi Saravana, you are right, it is possible to not select any environment, but this hide (fields are hidden) the possibility to fetch the KB by Service Class, Application Name, Host Name, Service Status and Service Name. Only the error text field is available. So the KB will never display beside a service instance line when we do queries with the MessageBox Queries function.
@Martin this functionality is already present. If you add a KB article and do not select any environments in the "Environment" drop down box, then the article will be applicable to all configured environments in that instance of BizTalk360. The only challenge is when you have different instances of BizTalk360 installed/configured for each environment, then you need to manually recreate the articles in each pages. We are planning to bring import/export capability for this.
Martin Bergeron commented
KB Article is always related to a specific environment. So if you have Biztalk360 managing 3 environments, let's say Test, QA et Pre-prod, most articles are related to the 3 environments. At this time, we have to write 3 articles for each environments and make sure to update them all. It should possible to add an article and select all environments or select environments from a list.