View MDN message in AS2 log
NRR enabled for outbound MDN" and "NRR enabled for inbound MDN" options enabled in AS2 agreement configuration in parties profile. We can view the associated MDN message by right-click on a AS2/MDN Status record in BizTalk Admin Console. However they cannot view MDN message in BizTalk360
If possible, please also enable the feature to “view message decoded/encoded format” which is an available option in the same property dropdown list as “View Mdn Message” if NRR is enabled in AS2 agreement with the party.
By Walter Chao

View MDN Message in Wire & decoded/encoded format is implemented in BizTalk360 Version 9.1
David Robinson commented
I agree in that a big selling point of platinum edition is the EDI facilities and one of the key requirements for many EDI uses is to see the AS2/MDN status report and the data that can be found in the BizTalk Admin console for this report. This report in BizTalk360 would be great if you could view the MDN or decoded message