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BizTalk360 - Administration

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Please note this site is only to get future ideas and suggestions. If you have any technical challenges with the current version of BizTalk360 please use our support site

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You can provide any ideas/suggestions related to the Administration & Operations capabilities of BizTalk360 in this forum.

157 results found

  1. BizTalk360 should support CS (case sensitive) collation

    When viewing Infrastructure - topology, or when trying to access manage mapping - BizTalkServers, the following error is reported:
    Invalid column name 'nAdminHostId'

    the table bts_orchestration has the column nAdminHostId, but nAdminHostID is being checked- Case insensitive

    BT360Support : we are not supporting CS collation

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  2. Improve filter options in Data monitoring screen under "SET DATA FILTER"

    The filter options under Data Monitoring alert are very limited.
    Example: For query type 'Suspended Service Instances', the 'Add Filter' only has one condition 'Is Equal to'.
    Which means, we cannot create filters like 'Is Not Equal to'.
    This is specially important when we don't want to monitor suspended messages of specific port/application/service/host for example.

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  3. Holiday exclusions for process monitoring

    Process Monitoring is a powerful feature, but often times when we’re monitoring receive or send ports, we need to exclude holidays. For example, if monitoring a send port to ensure at least one message is sent through it every MON-FRI (i.e. Business Day), we want to be able to exclude company holidays, such as Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, etc. It would be great if there were a list we could maintain for holidays within BizTalk360, and then when setting up Process Monitoring we could check a box to exclude company holidays. That would make the Process Monitoring feature even more valuable.…

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  4. Knowledgebase should be searchable

    Knowledge base should be searchable, both free text search and searching for all knowledge base articles connect to a variant of artifacts. i.e all articles for this application and this send port.

    By Johan Ljunggren

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  5. Auditing on message content view

    We using BizTalk360 to manage the integrations for while now. We use the BizTalk360 application mainly for our Integration Management Groups. In each group there are one or more persons responsible for the integration flow.

    Then there’s me, responsible for that the BizTalk plattform itself is running.

    BizTalk360 are allowed to see message content on suspended instance, because they need to take action depending on content. This can be sensitive data. We already see that a person terminates or resumes a instance. What we lack is auditing when users are looking at the message content. By regulation we need to…

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  6. Ability to Stop, Start, and Auto Correct Send Port Groups

    We have applications that have Send Port Groups and we will not be able to fully stop or start the application within BizTalk 360 if we do not have this functionality. It would also be nice to be able to Auto Correct Send Port Groups.

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  7. View MDN message in AS2 log

    NRR enabled for outbound MDN" and "NRR enabled for inbound MDN" options enabled in AS2 agreement configuration in parties profile. We can view the associated MDN message by right-click on a AS2/MDN Status record in BizTalk Admin Console. However they cannot view MDN message in BizTalk360

    If possible, please also enable the feature to “view message decoded/encoded format” which is an available option in the same property dropdown list as “View Mdn Message” if NRR is enabled in AS2 agreement with the party.

    By Walter Chao

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  8. Add Word Wrap/Formatting to Message Details

    Messages can be very large, so it's difficult to read them on the same line. We end up downloading them and reformatting them in VS or notepad++... Would be nice to be able to do that directly in 360...

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  9. Rename OPS Dashboard

    As per title - currently this is possible by hacking the database table b360adminUserProfile_Dashboards, but that might not be an option in certain environments... :)

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  10. Option to read issues from your coworkers and respond to those issues.

    This motion is also for the BizTalk360 support site.
    It should be nice if you could read and respond to issues reported by your coworkers, or even the option to change the ownership to your coworker if you are going on a holiday or if you leave the company.

    To avoid unwished responses from everyone there should be an option to add certain people you know. So the owner or reporter still can controll who can read an issue and who can respond to an issue.

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    Hi ,In the recent release, version 10.8, we have introduced Alert Escalation policy, which helps the operational team to configure the different levels of recipients, which can be linked to alarms. An incident will be created for every violation and escalation will happen if no action has been taken for an incident within the specified time. 

    Upgrade to latest version to start using this feature. Happy Monitoring!

    Thanks ,

    BizTalk360 Team 

  11. Auditing capability

    Auditing capability on context messages and contents in graphical message flow section.

    From (Landstinget Sormland)

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  12. monitoring of service instances that are in this state for longer than set period of time

    Would like to know how to monitor running services instances for duration > x minutes. I can see how to monitor by count, but not by duration.

    We occasionally see the case where many different service instances are in a running state for an extended period of time (not by design). The issue generally turns out being at the platform level (ie. resource contention on the servers causing multiple hosts to throttle or just hang).

    We will work on tuning the hosts, and addressing these types of issues. In the meantime, however, we would like to have awareness when any…

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  13. Zooming feature in Graphical Flow (Tracking)

    I have been using graphical view tracking of BizTalk360. But encountered that it's unreadable when orchestration (or may be anything) has many message transactions. Refer the attachment. We have many BizTalk integration which has more than 10 calls happening at the orchestration and graphical view tracking is not very useful in our cases.

    Good to have zoom-in features when there are many messages.

    By Ashwini Karkala

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  14. Viewing Subscriptions of Orchestrations and Send Ports

    For analysis I regularly query the Subscriptions for Orchestrations and/or Send Ports. Unfortunately this is not possible with BizTalk360, so I would like to have that capability in BizTalk360.

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  15. Wildcard to event log sources for Avanced Event Viewer

    Currently, you can only enter specific event sources. With a naming convention of custom event sources, it would be a lot easier to enter and maintain the Custom Event Viewer if we could use wildcards.

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  16. Log files viewer for BizTalk Servers

    Adding ability to configure folders where important log files (like IIS, Log4Net, Custom etc) are present in the server and ability to view them directly in the BizTalk360 web interface. This will avoid people logging into the server or setting up user rights for each individual users in the server.

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    Hi, In the latest release, version 10.8, authorized users can easily access IIS and BizTalk Server Logs directly within the Manage Infrastructure section of BizTalk360 Administration. This eliminates the need to switch to the actual server. Upgrade to the latest version to start using this feature.

    Please find the below articles for your reference.

    Thanks ,

    BizTalk360 Team

  17. Ability to Add KB Articles from the corresponding section

    At present, BizTalk360 users can create KB articles only from the Knowledge Base section in the application. We plan to include the functionality of having a link in the appropriate sections (Message Box queries, ESB Exception, Advanced event viewer module) so that it becomes easy for users to add KB articles.

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  18. Start and stop the NT services

    Currently, BizTalk360 does not have the capability to allow users to Start and/or Stop NT Services. We plan to include the functionality under “Infrastructure Settings” – something very similar to Host and Host Instances.

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  19. Message Box Queries Customization grid also new drop downs

    I would like to get below options in the message box queries in upcoming BizTalk 360 version.

    1. Adding or customizable grid with the column name Processing Server(Message Box server) where we have 4 BizTalk servers and users are intrested to know on which server particular instance/message is being processing so that users can take action according to that and it helps during the applicatin troubleshoot.

    2. Adding subscription in the select query. where it helps users to get their subscription details expression. Currently its available in admin console we suggest to add it in BizTalk 360 so that users can check…

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  20. Disable the maintenance window when its currently ongoing

    The new maintenance window has no option to just remove and not delete the entire maintainence window

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