Option to read issues from your coworkers and respond to those issues.
This motion is also for the BizTalk360 support site.
It should be nice if you could read and respond to issues reported by your coworkers, or even the option to change the ownership to your coworker if you are going on a holiday or if you leave the company.
To avoid unwished responses from everyone there should be an option to add certain people you know. So the owner or reporter still can controll who can read an issue and who can respond to an issue.

Hi ,In the recent release, version 10.8, we have introduced Alert Escalation policy, which helps the operational team to configure the different levels of recipients, which can be linked to alarms. An incident will be created for every violation and escalation will happen if no action has been taken for an incident within the specified time.
Upgrade to latest version to start using this feature. Happy Monitoring!
Thanks ,
BizTalk360 Team