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BizTalk360 - Administration

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You can provide any ideas/suggestions related to the Administration & Operations capabilities of BizTalk360 in this forum.

46 results found

  1. Backlog of Messaging Replay Requirements

    We plan to expose a receive location in BizTalk for systems to send us a message if they have failed to process a message.

    What we would like is some kind of backlog in BizTalk360 to store these messages and assign \ alert administrators of the master system.

    Whilst the ESB Exception Management Portal fields could be rigged to support this, a dedicated set of fields\functions would be better:
    • Assigned to Team
    • Data Type
    • Record Identifier
    • Error Message(s)
    • (Addressed By Action) : Resubmit from source | Raised with Service Desk | No action required

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  2. Logon as an other user

    I want to login as an other user in the profile button.

    This can be helpfull il case we have 2 or more accounts or if we want that as super user make a login in our PC.

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  3. Show warning about Activated License when installing new version of BizTalk 360 MSI

    As part of the prerequisite checks of the MSI Installation, show an error if the license is active, so you can deactivate it before installation

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  4. Graphical representation of maps

    Currently, you can search on Artifacts in BizTalk 360, including maps and schema's. When you search for schema's for instance, you can see the schema itself by selecting schema viewer.
    In case of a map, it would be useful to see a graphical representation of the map, like BizTalk Documenter.

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  5. Add refresh option for custom widgets

    Custom widgets do not include the auto refresh option. Right now the only way to update the data in a custom widget is to refresh to entire page.

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  6. Handy copy row or copy detail option on the text boxes

    The handy copy row and copy detail option unlike unnecessary view icon will help copy error details, messages, and time stamp detail or any row of suspended messages.

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  7. application details dashboard

    application details on the dashboard; Each application has the name Application Details, without explaining which application it relates to.

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  8. Tracking, DTA, Archive, save files


    I have two features that I´d like i n BizTalk360.
    - Connect to other DTA databases (Archive for example)
    - Be able to save multiple tracked messagebodies to file from DTA.

    By Daniel Wilén.

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  9. Topology Viewer

    By topology view I meant a visualisation of the data flow and components within the application, i.e. from receive locations to orchestrations to send ports -- pretty much what you already have for the tracking graph, but without the message context and data and viewable for any application regardless independent of tracking.

    It would really help understanding what happens inside and application when the customer documentation is seriously lacking.

    By Henri Aalto.

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  10. General propeties disabled on recieve/send ports

    I am interested in being able to edit general items, such as being able to click the check boxes to enable track message bodies and properties.

    By Todd Swope

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  11. Application status differs in BizTalk360 vs BTS

    When trying to configure BizTalk360, we noted this difference between the application lists from BizTalk Admin Console and BizTalk360.

    It seems like any application without receive locations, ports, or orchestrations will show as Not Applicable status in 360, when the same application is Started in admin console (The reason for these applications being started is because their MSI installation packages contains BRE rules, and the MSI installation will start them when deploying these)

    By Ingemar Berggren

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  12. Pivot BAM Views in BizTalk360

    Would be possible to have the Pivot tables for BAM in BizTalk360.

    By Eldert Grootenboer

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  13. Ability to load archived tracking database

    The customer archives and purges the tracking database daily.
    At this moment, this means they have to use the BizTalk Administration Console to load these archived databases to view the older tracking.
    It would be a great feature, if they were able to load these archived in BizTalk360.

    Idea shared by Eldert Grootenboer

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  14. Dashboard styling

    Is there any way to customize the CSS for the dashboard?
    We have our primary health dashboard on a large screen, however the white background makes it difficult to see – we would be looking for a dark theme or high contrast option?

    By Garret

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  15. Customization of alerts

    Would it be possible to adjust/customize the alerts, say

    o Set email type as not URGENT when the alert is warning/UP alert
    o Set ServiceNow incident notification priority based on the warning/up/error details.

    By Srinivas Rao

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  16. Message delay and message delay by shapes in orchestration in BizTalk360

    To implement message count, message delay and message delay by shapes in orchestration in BizTalk360? We don’t have any way to monitor how may message processed by BizTalk and where in orchestration it caused to delay.

    • Idea shared by Markand Patel
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  17. Information on Receive location for MQSC

    I'd like to know if you could add the information "Polling Interval" on the Receive Locations for MQSC ?

    MQSC adapters

    By Steve Melan

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  18. HPOMi 10.01

    BizTalk 360 to get integrated with HPOMi ,to send alerts to the tool

    By Lorance

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  19. Alert to event log when license is going to expire

    I saw that an error was logged to the event log when it tried to send mail, that the license had expired. Is it possible to add a verification/monitor that will log a warning to the event log that the license is about to get expired?

    By Johan

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  20. BAM Aggregations

    We use BAM Aggregations to give our IT Operations Managers a summarised view of the state of the BizTalk system in terms of volumes which can be used to identify possible contention issues.

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